Monday, July 25, 2016

More exciting posts coming soon!

Hey all!

Sorry my updates have been so sporadic, but more updates to follow.

I made a fun out doors DIY Deep Water Culture for tomatoes, peppers, basil, and lettuce.

More to follow of course!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ebb and Flow Update

The last three posts that were made were on an Ebb and Flow system. I wanted to follow up on the update of that system:

Day 1 in system: (4 days after seed germination)

Day 35: (I did add a lot of new plants, which are various days/weeks)

As you can see it is working out quiet nicely! The lettuce is doing well, and the Thai basil is doing really well. The broccoli is also doing outstanding so far.

There are some newer plants in there such as leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, lemon basil, and curled parsley.